Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Favorites!

So thankful that this week has gone by pretty quickly compared to last week's slllloowww week. I think watching the Olympics 24/7 has helped!

 I've been addicted to the NBC, MSNBC, NBC Sports channels. it's pretty bad. I'll watched Swimming, badminton, water polo, gymnastics, soccer, table tennis. I'll watch it all! love me some Olympic action. hey, it only happens every 4 years!

This week's Friday favorites theme is dance.

because i love to dance. foolishly.

1.  Dancing while running

fortunately I do not have a picture or video of me running while singing/dancing/talking to myself because i look a fool. when i'm tired of running/bored, i'll turn on my new fav jam on the iphone and start pointing and fist pumping. I'm imagining that i look like this...

or that's how i feel like i look. y'all should really try it sometime! It helps especially when you emphasis certain words in the song. " boom, boom, BOOM' gimme dat boom boom BOOM"

2. Me dancing in 50+ years

my roommate showed me this video today and I looovvvee it. this is what i aspire to be in my years to come.

pure awesomeness.

3.  Dancing accessories.

inspired directly from the Olympics...the ultimate dancing accessory is...the scrunchie.
I remember wearing these in like 3rd grade, but 2012? really girls? we can do better. this pretty much sums it up.

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