Thursday, July 19, 2012

new playlist additions.

I have to run with music. or some kind of noise, but mostly music. I'm not a good talker when I run with others. I tried it for awhile, but just find myself going           

 " hey....yah...i can't...believe..she...didn'"

and then my energy goes ddooowwwnnn.

so, i have to have music to keep me goin'. i also really like to point/dance when i run to music, which i'm sure is very entertaining to those who watch me. but it pumps me up, so i continue!

here's some new tunes that i have recently added to my running playlist.

1. One more night- Maroon 5
2. The house that we grew up in- The Weeks
3. Hold on- Alabama Shakes
4. Uhn Tiss, Uhn Tiss, Uhn Tiss- Bloodhound Gang
5. Too good to be true- Eden's Edge
6. Simple Song- The Shins

Got any good running songs I should check out?


  1. I love The Shins for running! Need to check out those other ones.

    P.S. I'm totally rooting for Jef (with one f, weird!). He got a lot cuter in the last few episodes.

  2. YESSS!! Me too!! We call him " Ducky" because he totally looks like Ducky from Pretty in Pink! Don't you think?? I think he's so cute and quirky :)
